Innovative Alarm-und Signalsysteme, der branchenführende Anbieter von Geräten zur visuellen und akustischen Statusanzeige-Qlight


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I want to receive product Customer Service (after-sales service). What is the procedure?Others

How to apply for Customer Service:

1. Application through seller:
You can request Customer Service through the place where you purchased the product, which will then be forwarded to our company for repairs. Once repaired, the product will be delivered to you.

2. Contacting Qlight or Distributor :
If you wish to be guided to a nearby distributor or apply directly to Qlight headquarters, please go to "Contact Us" and fill in your contact information.

3. You can also check the quality assurance and standard Customer Service policy on our website under "▶Customer Support > QA & Customer Service Policy" [Detail View]